Top 5 tips to teach programming to children

The computer programming is nowadays a well-established profession. Therefore, every parent wants to give programming teaching at the early stage of his or her child’s career. It is a good move to start programming learning at the very beginning of their career. Generally, the right age to start computer programming learning is at 12. In the beginning, the parents should take care of their child’s career in computer programming through a basic training. One thing you have to remember that you should check your child’s logic and reasoning ability before you encourage your children to get into the computer programming. Therefore, the 5 tips for teaching the computer programming to the children will come handy for their parents.

Basic programming language
As a parent, you should introduce the basic programming learning language to your child. At this stage, you should provide the languages like Scratch or Logo to your child so that the child can assimilate the basic programming knowledge very easily. These languages are the main building blocks for making a good programmer in the future. At this age, your child should clear his doubts at computer logic and reasoning, because, these components are very much essential for any budding programmer. You also should have to keep watch on your child’s progress. After learning the basic programming language, your child should move to the real programming languages next.Slow and steady
You should not be over ambitious over your child’s progress. Rather you should keep cool and patience. Keep watch on your child how your child is progressing. If your child is facing some problems, then immediately help your child. Never insist your child to learn advanced programming language. Rather you should keep him some time to become a master at it. Always try to guide your child to learn the programming language from easy to the harder one. It will smooth his progress.

Provide tutorial
Whenever possible, always try to provide him a pool of good tutorials. As it, will faster his progress of programming learning. The reason is that a good programming tutorial will help your child’s learning process easier. Moreover, it will build the solid foundation in the computer programming language. As your child will learn more advanced techniques in the programming languages, then the child will perform well later in his career. Moreover, your child’s experience will inspire him to get into the advance computer programming languages like Java, C++, C and others.

Avoidance of copying
Always, try to tell your child that he should not follow the copy and paste principle of code. Actually, it will restrict his logic and reasoning power in the programming languages. So, never encourage it. Although, the copy and paste principle will bring success quickness but it will not stay long.

Feeling comfortable
It is better to see that when your child is confident about his programming prowess, then he can take any challenge from any programming language. It is a good sign for you and your child’s career as well. Moreover, your child can learn as much as the programming languages he likes.
Therefore, these 5 tips will make you more sensitive about your child’s progress on programming language learning. It will also help your child to shine in life as a good programmer.

About the author: Kelly is a blogger by profession. She loves writing on technology and luxury. Beside this she is fond of programming. Recently an article on born rich attracted her attention. These days she is busy in writing an article on ecofriend.

One Response
  1. November 22, 2014